MISys Manufacturing – Accessing the MISys EXT web app through the MISys desktop

MISys Manufacturing – Accessing the MISys EXT web app through the MISys desktop

The MISys EXT web interface is particularly effective when used in combination with MISys the desktop. To enable access to MISys EXT through the MISys desktop, go to Administration/Company Profile/Website and click the check box ‘Display MISys Manufacturing EXT in Info Center’.

MISys EXT and Stock Inquiries – Part 2

MISys EXT and Stock Inquiries – Part 2

If you have users on the floor using MISys EXT with handheld devices, and no actual access to a desktop to do stock look ups – you may have noticed that MISys EXT doesn’t have a “stock inquiry feature”. To get around this, there are a couple of options. Last post reviewed using dashboard alerts to retrieve stock information in MISys EXT. This post will use a blanket physical inventory batch to help users with lookups!

MISys EXT and Stock Inquiries - Part 1

MISys EXT and Stock Inquiries - Part 1

If you have users on the floor using MISys EXT with handheld devices, and no actual access to a desktop to do stock look ups – you may have noticed that MISys EXT doesn’t have a “stock inquiry feature”. To get around this, there are a couple of options. The first, is through use of a Dashboard Alert!